Aviation Day Camp
Drone Zone
Experience the World of Robotic Vehicles
Entering Grades K-5
Full Day Only
Program Dates:
Friday, December 17*
Monday, January 3*
*1-Day session
Join an adventure in flight with the few, the proud, the machines!
Investigate the technology behind modern drones and robotics in a special one-day workshop. Master circuit electricity and assemble a wooden drone model with working circuits and motors. Master the basics of remotely operated multirotor aircraft with realistic flight simulations and real drone flight experiences in the Museum’s Drone Plex, then taste the future by programming and flying a flight routine for a modern autonomous quadcopter!
Drone Zone Camp Includes:
- Electric Circuits and Aerodynamics
- Drone Construction and Testing
- Flight Simulation and RC Quadcopter Flight Training
- Programmable Parrot Mambo Drone Operations
- Take-Home Drone
- And Much More!
Aviation Camp
Elementary Topics (K-5)
Air & Space
Fabulous Physics
Flight & Motion
Flight Simulator Aces
Got Bots?
Magic of Flight
Robo Mechanics
Rocket Rangers
Science Magic
Test Pilot Academy
Wonders of Flight
Intermediate Topics (5-7)
Flight Design Lab
Spaceflight Tech
X-Plane Pilot
Camp Schedule and Availability
Camp Information - Daily Schedule
Camper Information and Medical Form
All camps are located at the Hiller Aviation Museum at the San Carlos Airport.