San Francisco Bay Area’s Biggest Little Airshow at the Hiller Aviation Museum

The Biggest Little Air Show

Saturday, June 14, 2025
10:30 am – 12:00 pm

The exciting Sukhoi West Demo Team is returning to headline BLAS! They will be joined with demonstrations of exceptional radio-controlled models.

Beautifully detailed radio control model aircraft will be on display and perform demonstrations at the Museum from 10:30 AM to 12 PM.

San Carlos Airport will close to regular traffic from 10:30 am to noon to allow realistic jet and propeller-powered model aircraft to roll down the runway and into the sky to take their part in a unique aerial extravaganza including aerobatic helicopters, drones, quadrotors, and more!!


    • Sukhoi West Demo Team
    • United States Coast Guard Helicopter Search and Rescue (SAR) Demo
    • The RC Flyers model aircraft demonstrations
      • Aerobatic gyroscopic routines
      • 3D aerobatic helicopters
      • Drones
      • Quads
      • Model Rockets
      • And other RC aircraft

Tickets Go On Sale May 11th

Flight Demonstration Schedule*

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

National Anthem 

  • High Wing STOL Aircraft
  • Snoopy Vs Red Baron & the Seaduck
  • 3D Electric – Extra 260
  • Custom Built – Starship, Mother Ship, Foam Man
  • 3D Helicopter aerobatics
  • EDF Jets (Electric)
  • Model Rocket Launch
  • Combat
  • Russian Turbine Helicopter – Giant Scale
  • F-86 Sabre Jet – Giant Scale
  • US Coast Guard Helicopter Search & Rescue Demo
  • Full size acrobatics by Sukhoi West Demo Team, Randy Howell and Cory Lovell

12:10 pm – 3:00 pm

  • Drone flying in the Drone Plex located in the Museum Gallery.

*Schedule subject to change without notice

This is a video from a previous year’s event.

This year’s Biggest Little Airshow is Saturday, June 14, 2025

View photos from last years show from our professional air show photographers Click Here


Sukhoi West Demo Team

About Sukhoi West Demo Team   

The Sukhoi West Demo Team brings together two highly accomplished pilots with the best aerobatic aircraft in the world. Sukhois have been flown by the top World Aerobatic pilots year after year in competitions and air shows.

Randy Howell is the Patriots Jet Team Owner and recently started flying the Sukhoi SU-26 in addition to leading the Patriots 6-ship jet team.  Randy has accumulated more than 27,000 hours of flight time and took early retirement as a 747-400 Capt. He’s an advanced instructor in aerobatics, formation, and UPRT, as well as a Check Airman in a multitude of aircraft. He has flown air shows for 24 years and raced in three different classes at the Reno Air Races. He holds an ATP with 24 different type ratings from MiG-17s to the Boeing 747.

Cory Lovell’s experience comes from taking to the sky at the age of 12, followed by years of training with some of the best pilots in the world, including Sergei Boriak, Elena Klimovich, and Bill Stein. Cory’s also an aerobatic instructor in the San Francisco Bay Area and is Type Rated in the L-39 as well as several other unique aircraft. The Sukhoi West Demo Team spends much of their time working with aspiring pilots in the local community to help them realize their dreams.

Sukhoi West Demo Team website click here.

United States Coast Guard Search and Rescue Demo (SAR)

Search and Rescue (SAR) is one of the U.S. Coast Guard’s oldest missions. Minimizing the loss of life, injury, property damage or loss by rendering aid to persons in distress and property in the maritime environment. Coast Guard SAR response involves multi-mission stations, cutters, aircraft and boats linked by communications networks. The National SAR Plan divides the U.S. area of SAR responsibility into internationally recognized inland and maritime SAR regions. The Coast Guard is the Maritime SAR Coordinator. To meet this responsibility, the Coast Guard maintains SAR facilities on the East, West and Gulf coasts; in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico, as well as on the Great Lakes and inland U.S. waterways. The Coast Guard is recognized worldwide as a leader in the field of search and rescue.

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

The museum has FREE parking BUT it is very limited. You will be directed by our parking volunteers to park at the museum or in any of the airport parking lots down Skyway RD. There may be up to a 3/4 mile walk and/or there will be a shuttle bus running to the furthest parking lot at the end of Skyway Rd. Please car pool or better yet – Take Uber or Lyft.

At the conclusion of the air show the traffic light at the corner of Redwood Shores Pkwy and Airport Dr. can back up. We strongly recommend sticking around the show afterwards and talk to the pilots, have lunch, check out the Drone Plex and enjoy the Museum. Shuttle bus runs until 2PM.


There is no seating provided. You are welcome to bring your own folding chairs to the show. The gate to the flight line will open approximately 10 minutes prior to the show.  Placing your chairs on the flight line is on a first come basis. There is no reserved areas.

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