The Hiller Aviation Museum collection continues to grow through donations of historical artifacts from our community. Please read these guidelines if you would like to contribute!

✓ We Accept

Books and Magazines
We love book and magazine donations! If it is an item we already have, we can sell it in our gift shop for new readers to enjoy. All materials must be about aviation or aerospace and in good condition. Please no markings, stains, heavy wear, musty smells, or insect damage.

Historical artifacts and archival records

  • Clothing and accessories
  • Documents such as photographs, books, art, magazines, charts, scrapbooks, and correspondence
  • Some aircraft parts and equipment

✗ We Do Not Accept

  • Items relating to general war topics like tanks, weapons, holocaust, etc.
  • Hobby model airplane collections
  • Moldy or other pest damaged items
  • Aircraft instruments manufactured prior to 1970 or that may be radioactive

✓ We Accept

Books and Magazines
We love book and magazine donations! If it is an item we already have, we can sell it in our gift shop for new readers to enjoy. All materials must be about aviation or aerospace and in good condition. Please no markings, stains, heavy wear, musty smells, or insect damage.

Historical artifacts and archival records

  • Clothing and accessories
  • Documents such as photographs, books, art, magazines, charts, scrapbooks, and correspondence
  • Some aircraft parts and equipment

✗ We Do Not Accept

  • Items relating to general war topics like tanks, weapons, holocaust, etc.
  • Hobby model airplane collections
  • Moldy or other pest damaged items
  • Aircraft instruments manufactured prior to 1970 or that may be radioactive

If you believe your items meet our donation criteria, please email a photo of your item(s) and a general description to the collections manager at

Can I just drop by and give you my donation?


No, please do not bring objects to the Museum without an appointment. Collections staff are not here full-time to accept donations. We reserve the right to dispose of any unsolicited materials delivered to or abandoned at the museum.

How do you decide what to accept?


The museum collects artifacts and archival materials that represent the history of aviation and aerospace innovation, particularly in Northern California. We appreciate the personal value of all items that are offered to us but must consider each offer carefully to make sure it meets these collection goals:

The object:

  • fits into the museum’s collection policy and mission
  • we have the resources to house and take care of it properly
  • is useful as an interpretative educational tool for an existing exhibit
  • would be the best or only example of its type in our collection
  • was associated with a notable historical event, person, technological innovation or invention related to aviation
  • the donor can prove legal ownership and agrees to transfer 100% ownership to the museum for unrestricted use

Will my item(s) be exhibited?


We cannot guarantee your donation will be displayed or exhibited in the museum. However, your item will be available to generations of researchers, other museums for loan, and for potential future exhibitions. Items not on exhibit are professionally cared for and stored safely in the museum’s storage area which meets archival standards.

Can materials donated to the Hiller Aviation Museum ever be returned to me at my request?


No, once a deed of gift is signed by the donor, items cannot be returned to the donor or their family. This document legally transfers permanent ownership of the item(s) to the Hiller Aviation Museum, as well as all associated rights and interests.

Is my donation tax deductible?


Yes, your donation may be tax-deductible. Museums are prohibited from appraising objects, so if you would like your item(s) appraised for tax purposes it should be completed prior to the donation process. The American Society of Appraisers lists many qualified individuals who can assist you. Visit or call 800-272-8258. 

Important: Please do not mail or bring unsolicited objects to the museum without an appointment

Questions: Please contact Jenna Kimberlin at 650-654-0200 x221 or